This is not an "English-only" class, but "English as much as possible." Don't throw away a nice 8 word sentence because you don't know one word in English... 7 words English and one word Korean is OK, let your friends help you!
You really want to practice English every day, reading, listening, and writing too. Remember, 4 days per week is not
4/7 (57%)
but instead...
4-3 = 1/7 (15%)
TodayHobby =/= 취미. (does not equal equal)
5 minutes talking time is
difficult! These oral paragraphs and oral essays deserve some preparation, think about what you want to say, how you will put it together (in what order, how to connect ideas, etc)
Do look for other articles online (English or Korean) to give you more ideas on what to talk about. The point is not the details, but the overall ideas (the main point).
Tomorrow (Monday)