Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wednesday June 14

Surprise! Only two men here today!

Lots of little side-topics today
Be creative when talking about possible futures (the year 2050).

Answering a question that came up -- the cost of tuition & required fees at university in USA (not including housing, books, food, health insurance, etc)

1. Here at Keimyung U -- about 9,000,000 won per year

2. At UCLA (a state school)

- for California residents -- 14,200,000 won per year *

- for US Citizens from other states, or foreigners -- 41,700,000 won per year

3. At California Polytechnic University Pomona (a state school)

- for California residents -- 5,400,000 won per year *

- for US Citizens from other states, or foreigners -- 18,600,000 won per year

4. At USC (Southern California, a private school) -- 48,000,000 won per year

5. At University of Redlands (a private school) -- 38,100,000 won per year

  • (fees for California residents have gone up ALOT in the past three years because of a budget crisis)


  • My father's life (his childhood, his stories, etc)
  • Seasons (talking about time of year, what you do or think and...)

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